
Low Voltage: why digitalization is key to its proper functioning?

Low voltage grid real time information

The continuous evolution of the low voltage grid, driven by the emergence of new actors, has made its digitalization a key issue

Electrical grids, like the needs of their users, are currently undergoing an unprecedented evolution due to the push for the electrification of society. As a result of this phenomenon, actors who until a few years ago had little importance and use of the grid, such as the electric vehicle charging grid, multipoint renewable generation, energy storage, and the emergence of new private customers, have appeared strongly; causing imbalances due to the resulting undervoltages or overvoltages in the grid, especially in the low voltage grid, when connecting simultaneously with their particular needs.

Thus, the low voltage electrical grid must adapt to the arrival of these new energy demanders and suppliers; prioritizing the monitoring and digitalization of the grid for more efficient and stable control thanks to data management, its use with predictive functions, and the consequent automation of processes. But how is this crucial digitalization of the low voltage grid achieved? Today we are going to discover which agents are key in this process and how they contribute to stabilizing the grid and ensuring the electricity supply. Let’s get to it.

The smart transformer stabilizes the Low voltage grid

If we have to identify a relevant actor in this scenario, present in the integration of all the new grid actors we have mentioned, it is the digital transformer substation. These centers, whose work in the medium voltage grid we explained in a previous post, equip the main elements of their electrical equipment (mainly distribution cells, transformers, and low voltage panels) with specialized electronics and software to be interconnected at all times and offer real-time information to grid operators thanks to the detailed information of each line. This advanced supervision provides real-time parameters, such as currents, voltages, or powers; creating load curves for each output line and allowing events and alarms to be applied in different scenarios. In short, they become a fundamental tool for knowing what is happening in the grid in real-time. Essential information for grid operating companies.

Monitoring and control as key factors: from observability to action

Thanks to monitoring and control, electric companies can take a step forward in developing apps that use this data to analyze and prevent possible imbalances or grid saturation, improving the service to the end user. Additionally, this facilitates grid planning tasks, allowing new connections to it and reconfiguring existing ones to the new scenario; enabling the integration of renewable energies, electric vehicles, energy storage, and other private actors.

This early detection, to which smart meters also contribute, allows each line and phase to be linked to the end consumer and possible losses or inefficiencies; discriminating each case and avoiding interruptions or variations in the supply at a general level. Along with this, the incorporation of smart transformers and low voltage line optimizers at key points only increases the quality of the supply; especially in lines where overvoltages or undervoltages are more present.

El Centro de Transformación Digital se erige como un socio clave para la digitalización de la red de baja tensión
El Centro de Transformación Digital se erige como un socio clave para la digitalización de la red de baja tensión

The Digital Transformer Substation emerges as a key partner for the digitalization of the low voltage grid. Thus, the evolution from observability to grid action will allow advanced real-time monitoring thanks to a direct connection to the electric company’s control and operation systems. Providing its safe operation, mapping, and the development of new functionalities such as long-distance line protection, third-line coupling, or return voltage evaluation. Advantages that all users of an increasingly digitalized and, ultimately, more environmentally friendly electrical grid will enjoy.

Do you want to know more about this and other solutions for the electrical grid? Contact us through the following form:

    Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Edf. 104, 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia) España

    +34 94 431 77 77