Ormazabal reduces its indirect CO2 emissions by 27%, contributing to the decarbonisation of its industrial activity

At Ormazabal we continue working with a sustainable strategy focused on reducing our footprint and reinforcing our role as a crucial agent in the decarbonisation of the economy

We continue taking firm steps towards our commitment to the environment by reducing, for yet another year, our CO2 emissions. Thus, in the past year 2021, the company, focused on technological solutions for the development of a sustainable and intelligent electricity grid, has managed to reduce our indirect carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 27%. This milestone is in line with the halfway target of decarbonising 68% of our activity by 2030.

This environmental milestone is the result of a sustainability strategy supported by different actions, including our move from our headquarters in the United Kingdom to a more environmentally friendly building, achieving a significant reduction in emissions; the self-consumption of renewable energy through the installation of solar panels in our facilities; or the replacement of the type of concrete used in the manufacture of prefabricated substations for a more environmentally friendly type of compound, achieving a more than significant reduction in emissions of 18.4%.

On the other hand, at Ormazabal, which in Spain only consumes electricity certified as 100% renewable energy, we have drawn up a plan to mitigate emissions by planting an equivalent number of trees of native species that will offset, over a period of 40 years, a total of 200 tonnes of CO2.

A key company in the conservation of the environment

Our commitment at Ormazabal, focused on promoting the digitalisation of electrical grids and the integration of renewable energies and sustainable mobility, is key to the electrification of the economy. Thus, at Ormazabal, we consider the implementation of an environmental strategy based on the circular approach to be a priority, with the aim of minimising our ecological footprint and with the firm intention of achieving efficient waste management.